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Real-time, distributed, performance monitoring solution that detects network and application problems before users do

Real-time, distributed, performance monitoring solution that detects network and application problems before users do. The platform monitors LAN, WAN, and WiFi networks from the user perspective, measuring and reporting KPI of service quality. NetBeez enables enterprise organizations to cut costs and reduce downtime by allowing IT to quickly detect, troubleshoot, and repair network issues.

Primarily, NetBeez BeezKeeper™ verifies end-to-end connectivity and network and application performance from multiple WAN sites. Dedicated monitoring sensors installed at remote office locations capture the end user experience and relay information to a centralized dashboard, highlighting where performance issues have occurred before the network teams are alerted by the users.


BeezKeeper is comprised of two components: the central server and the monitoring sensors. The central server can be hosted on-premises as a virtual appliance or in the cloud on providers such as Amazon AWS, Microsoft Azure, or Google Cloud. Different types of monitoring sensors are supported: plug-and-play hardware appliances that connect via Fast Ethernet, Gigabit Ethernet, or WiFi 802.11ac network interfaces; software and virtual machines, or cloud instances for external monitoring.


Deployment options

Deployment options:

  • On-premises via pre-configured virtual machine

  • Cloud on Amazon AWS, Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud

Monitoring sensors

  • Wired, Fast Ethernet and Gigabit Ethernet

  • WiFi 802.11ac

  • Virtual machine

  • Linux software package

  • Cloud instance (Amazon AWS, Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud, etc.)

Real-time and continuous monitoring tests

  • PING: round-trip-time, packet loss, ICMP and TCP, DF bit, DSCP marking, and packet size

  • DNS: query time

  • HTTP: page GET time

  • Traceroute: TCP, UDP, and ICMP protocols supported, DSCP marking, and custom destination port

  • Iperf: TCP or UDP, multicast delivery, DSCP marking, available bandwidth , packet loss, and jitter

  • Speedtest: download and upload speed, network latency

  • VoIP test: MOS, jitter, latency, and packet loss

  • WiFi: Channel quality, signal strength

Alerting system

  • Up down alerts to detect failures

  • Performance alerts based on moving average

  • Performance alerts based on threshold (SLA)

  • Detection of network and application incidents

Other features

  • User-defined data retention period

  • Alert forwarding options: SMTP, syslog, SNMP

  • Third party integrations: Splunk, Slack, PagerDuty, PathSolutions

  • Multi-user and multi-role access: administrator, read-write, read-only

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